Ardhi University Hosts Successful GeoICT4e Dissemination & Training: Raising Awareness on eLearning & Project Impact

Added 4 months ago

By Dr. Zakaria Ngereja and Msilikale Msilanga

Ardhi University recently hosted the GeoICT4e Dissemination and Training of Trainers event on June 24th, 2024, at the Disaster Management Training Centre on their campus. Dr. Zakaria Ngereja led the event, with assistance from Mr. Gideon Marandu and Dr. Dorothea Deus.

The event aimed to raise awareness about the GeoICT4e project, its implementation, and the positive impact it has had on both staff and students at Ardhi University. Key topics covered included an overview of the GeoICT4e project and its impact, Multi-Competence Learning, eLearning resources and platforms, and the Disaster Risk Database.

While 30 academic staff members were invited, due to ongoing student presentations, only 15 were able to attend. All 15 participants reported satisfaction with the seminar and found it to be a valuable learning experience.

Based on the event’s success, organizers recommend creating a manual or brochure for wider distribution among Ardhi University’s academic staff. This resource would provide information on how to access the eLearning resources and raise awareness about the GeoICT4e project among a broader audience.

The event was led by Dr. Zakaria Ngereja, Mr. Gideon Marandu, and Dr. Dorothea Deus. Dr. Zakaria Ngereja presented on the GeoICT4e project overview and impact, Multi-Competence Learning, and eLearning resources. Mr. Gideon Marandu provided insights into the Climate Risk Database.

This event served as a successful platform to disseminate information about the GeoICT4e project and its positive influence on Ardhi University. The positive feedback from participants highlights the project’s value and paves the way for wider knowledge sharing through the recommended manual or brochure.

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