On the 18th of July 2022, Prof. John Lupala the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic, Research, and Consultancy officiated the Multicompetence Learning Challenge (MCL), involving undergraduate students as their Industrial Training for 2022. Multicompetence learning challenge is a learning methodology where students work in multidisciplinary teams to embark on a defined societal challenge. At Ardhi University, student team will ideate digital data and technology solutions to poor solid waste management in Dar es Salaam.

The kick of day was populated with introduction to the MCL approach and engaging students to the challenge ahead. Students were motivated by several speakers, such as Dr. Beatrice Tarimo, the Head of Geospatial Sciences and Technology Department, Dr. Zakaria Ngereja, ARU GeoICT4e coordinator, Dr. Dorothea Deus, Latifa Rashid Litwe, and Gideon Marandu, and several ARU-GeoICT4e expert team members who play the role of student mentors during the challenge program. Dr. Stalin Mkumbo the Head of the Environmental Engineering Department, and Dr. Given Mhina were invited as stakeholders from the School of Environmental Engineering.
The DVC-ARC congratulated the MCL initiative, which will equip students with digital geospatial skills and other critical skills for future employment. He advised students to be keen on learning new competences. The GeoICT4e coordinator presented on the GeoICT4e project and the MCL challenge where the objectives and learning outcomes were exemplified. The well-structured 8-weeks MCL program will finish with student presentation and pitching of their digital solution prototypes.
Students are expected to use the already collected geospatial data available on the Disaster Risk Database and other openly available digital datasets. Students will largy work as a team independently with mentor support and supervision available from the ARU team and mentors from the industry.

Blog By Zakaria Ngereja, Dorothea Deus, Nelly Babere, Latifa Rashid Litwe, Gideon Marandu